Positive Affirmations For Self Esteem & Self Worth

  1. I am beautiful.
  2. I love and accept myself here and now.
  3. I believe in my abilities and skills.
  4. My mistakes are seen as growing and learning opportunities.
  5. I wholeheartedly believe in myself.
  6. I am a beautiful creation.
  7. I am positive and courageous. I act in spite of fear.
  8. I accept and deeply love who I am.
  9. I am passionate and am an inspiration to others.
  10. I persevere through anything in my life.
  11. I will never ever quit.
  12. I treat myself and others with kindness and compassion.
  13. I am successful here and now and will only get more successful.
  14. I am constantly seeking growth to better myself.
  15. I know that happiness comes within and that is where I seek happiness and love.
  16. I see the best in myself and in people.
  17. I exhale all thoughts and negative and destructive feelings and inhale positivity and courageousness.
  18. I have the power to transform myself and shred my old skin.
  19. I am a person of my word and people respect me for it.
  20. I see all the good qualities in myself, and the bad ones, I only see them as how I can better myself, they are opportunities to improve.
  21. I have power over my emotions, they do not control me.
  22. I am a fearless leader.
  23. I embrace change and love who I am becoming through it.
  24. I deserve all the good things life has to offer.
  25. I am self disciplined and it shows up everywhere in my life.
  26. I enjoy high self confidence and do not see it as arrogance.
  27. I deserve to feel powerful and confident.
  28. I respect my body and my mind and treat it accordingly.
  29. I only choose to love myself more and more daily.
  30. I am respected by peers.
  31. I am unique and love that fact about me.
  32. I attract loving relationships because I am being myself and people love that about me.
  33. I am capable of anything. Capable of miracles.
  34. I attract self confident friends in my life that only better me.
  35. I am a great person.
  36. I am a powerhouse of productivity.
  37. I believe in myself so deeply.
  38. My faith in myself is unshakable.
  39. I achieve everything that my soul is aligned with.
  40. I am so much to offer to this world and will do so.
  41. I am constantly aligning myself with my life purpose.
  42. I combat negative thoughts with empowering thoughts.
  43. Confidence comes natural to me.
  44. I learn and grow daily.
  45. I am my own best friend, I am here for me. I have my own back.
  46. I know that to be more I must become more through growth.
  47. I love reshaping my body because it makes me feel great about myself.
  48. I eat healthy because I show power over myself and it gives me vitality and high energy.
  49. I love the individual I am becoming.
  50. My life means something and I see that meaning everywhere I go.
  51. I have great ideas and collaborate with like minded people to make those ideas a reality.
  52. I am worthy
  53. I am constantly improving myself and love what it does to my self confidence.
  54. I am unique.
  55. I let go of all limiting beliefs
  56. I see peoples opinions as just that, opinions that don’t have to become my reality.
  57. I have access to anything I need to succeed and feel confident in myself.
  58. I see life as a classroom where I am constantly learning and developing myself.
  59. I have the power to change myself.
  60. I deserve to be loved.
  61. I have done my best and that is enough.
  62. I form my own options and decisions.
  63. I am deserving of all that is good and abundant.
  64. I love myself because I know happiness comes from within.
  65. I accept myself fully and unconditionally.
  66. I feel so good about my life.
  67. Every time I catch myself thinking low of myself I vow to replace that thought with a positive one.
  68. I create happiness in my life daily.
  69. I attract scenarios that allow me to feel empowered.
  70. I ooze self confidence.
  71. I welcome people’s help.
  72. I attract people to help me on my journey to untouchable self confidence.
  73. I love feeling my high self esteem.
  74. My self esteem is a reflection of my growth, I know this and will grow beyond measure.
  75. I better myself daily because I love myself and want to create the best me.
  76. I am always making positive changes in my life.
  77. My potential is limitless.
  78. I free myself from the people that have hurt me.
  79. I forgive myself and always show myself compassion.
  80. I feel so vibrant and healthy living this life.
  81. I feel grateful for being myself.
  82. I embrace my good and bad qualities.
  83. I integrate things into my day that reinforce habits that create excellent self esteem.
  84. I’m still a good person even though I may have done bad things.
  85. My life has purpose.
  86. Compassion washes over me when I am angry.
  87. I always stand up for myself. I would rather stand alone then in a crowd of sheep.
  88. Positive habits are all that consume my day.
  89. Happiness is a choice and I choose it every day.
  90. My thoughts always default to the positive.
  91. I love positive thoughts.
  92. I can’t change anything or anyone outside myself.
  93. I have divine destiny that is unfolding every day.
  94. This too shall pass.
  95. I feel peace at all times and feel at peace with the world at large.
  96. I take what people say about me with a grain of salt.
  97. I am proud of the person I am becoming.
  98. I give myself permission to be myself and act like myself with caring what others think.
  99. I meditate on high self esteem when I feel a lack of self worth.
  100. The vision of me feeling high self esteem is my anchor I go to often to transform my self image.
  101. I have the power to manifest anything I want in this life with the power of my mind.
  102. I am so grounded in the belief in myself that nothing and no one can touch me!
  103. I love myself as I am.